Here is your tarot horoscope for the week starting- Monday, October31 to Sunday, November 6
Aries: You must understand that the simple pleasures in life are important at this time. Take a walk, walk your dog, pet your cat, spend time with family and friends. Learn to slow down and smell the roses.
Taurus: You have the power in your hands to do what you want to do . You may have a major decision to make between two huge opportunities in your life. Choose the one that will make you happy as both have the opportunity to be successful.
Gemini: Like Taurus, you too have the power. What is it that you REALLY want to d0? You will be successful in future decisions so choose the one you feel is right for you.
Cancer: You have a lot going on right now and your ability to multi task is waning. Take time to analyse what you need to do and take time to recharge your batteries so you may again use your multi tasking skills to the max. :)
Leo: This is the week for you to understand you have come a long way. You DO have everything you need and want. Enjoy the energy of wealth with family and work that is hovering around you at this time.
Virgo: You must realize that you and only you have the power to make you dreams come true. The power is there for you to succeed but you don't believe in yourself. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND GO FOR IT.
Libra: There are so many ideas and choices that you feel are available. When the time for brainstorming arrives shout out your thoughts and make sure your ideas are heard loud and clear.
Scorpio: The power that is in your hands is begging for you to release it. Make that decision between the choices that are available to you knowing you will be successful with whatever you choose.
Sagittarius: You are at the top of your game. Your thoughts and your intellect are A-1. You are the ruler this week so rule your kingdom with the power of your mind and your intelligence.
Capricorn: Do you feel stuck in a way of life or an idea of what you think a situation should be? Don't be obsessed! You can always change your way of thinking. You, and only you, are in control!
Aquarius: What a great week for Aquarius! A new beginning. Listen to your heart and go for it and enjoy all the new possibilities available to you.
Pisces: The beginning of a new emotion-the beginning of a new love is waiting for you this week. Enjoy all the good things that come your way this week!
Email Wendy or Gaylle today for your own personal tarot reading.