Year at a Glance

Year at a Glance

Monday, April 22, 2013

5 of Wands

In some ways, this card is a little nondescript - it's a pip card, not so important as a card from the Major Arcana... an everyday card.

But it's a wonderful card to come up in a reading because it brings about a lot of conversation - and in fact, this card is about conversation.  Sometimes it's a conversation about an issue that isn't going so well  - there might be argument, there might be a real 'back & forth' about an issue.  The good thing, is nobody's drawing any blood here, even if the argument is intense.

The takeaway is quite often to 1/ recognize that although there may be disagreement, at the very least the lines of conversaton are open and 2/ learn to take the bitterness out of the conversation - life and death isn't involved here, so communicate in a more productive way.

Wendy & Gaylle

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