Year at a Glance

Year at a Glance

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Repeat Business

Today my house smells... I pulled out a forgotten container from back of the fridge and in it... cauliflower that hasn't seen the light of day for a week.  So the whole house reeks and my husband is whining about it.  Geesh.   Fabreeze and candles to the rescue.

Thank goodness I'd waited to do this after my readings this afternoon.  I'd expected one to my door and two came!  And this is really what the blog today is about.  Return/repeat customers.

In any business, including ours, repeat business is where it's at baby.  How to achieve it?  I think there are several reasons why someone comes back to you for another reading - whether live, or online.

1.  They're comfortable with you.  Lesson: Don't be arrogant, condescending or stuck in a know-it-all stance.   Be welcoming, appreciative they've returned, and continue to build a relationship.

2.  What you've told them in the past has come to fruition.  Lesson:  Know your stuff.  Be honest about what you know, detailed in your analysis of the situation.  But above all, know your stuff.

3.  They trust you.  Lesson:  You don't talk to them about other querents, and ergo they know you don't talk about them to others.  Be honest and again... know your stuff.

4.  They like what they hear.  Lesson:  You speak to the issues at hand.  You don't wander around with banalities.  Yes, you hope to be able to give them good news, but we know in this business it isn't always good news.  So be kind.  Always.  And compassionate.

ha ha ha... my Saturday lesson grasshopper LOL

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