Year at a Glance

Year at a Glance

Friday, January 15, 2016

Your 3 Card Tarot Reading for only $20

It's Easy!

Just click the BUY NOW button to bring you Pay Pal.

Once your payment has gone through, email me at with your question.
If you do not have a specific question and would like to know the energy surrounding you now and in the near and further future let me know in your email.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Secret Path

We thought this was appropriate... when you read it, you'll understand :)

"Whatever happens to you, don't fall in despair.  
Even if all the doors are closed, a secret path 
will be there for you that no one knows.  You
 can't see it yet but so many paradises are at the
 end of this path."  

 S. Tabrizi

Gaylle & Wendy
The Whispering Path

Friday, September 6, 2013

Another Stratford Trip!

It's been awhile since I've posted on The Whispering Path Blog.  Both Gaylle and I have been very busy with other projects (tarot and otherwise).  I have enjoyed my hiatus, however I am ready to get back to my tarot routine.  Before I can do that though, I have another trip to Stratford, Ontario booked.  This time I, along with my 'Stratford Trip buddy', will be seeing The Merchant of Venice and The Three Musketeers  both playing at the Festival Theatre.  We have booked ourselves into a beautiful B&B and we are looking forward to drinking wine on the balcony and 'taking in' the beauty of Stratford, ON.


If you are interested in a personal tarot reading or an online/email reading send us an email and we can set up a time and date that works for you.   :)



Monday, April 22, 2013

5 of Wands

In some ways, this card is a little nondescript - it's a pip card, not so important as a card from the Major Arcana... an everyday card.

But it's a wonderful card to come up in a reading because it brings about a lot of conversation - and in fact, this card is about conversation.  Sometimes it's a conversation about an issue that isn't going so well  - there might be argument, there might be a real 'back & forth' about an issue.  The good thing, is nobody's drawing any blood here, even if the argument is intense.

The takeaway is quite often to 1/ recognize that although there may be disagreement, at the very least the lines of conversaton are open and 2/ learn to take the bitterness out of the conversation - life and death isn't involved here, so communicate in a more productive way.

Wendy & Gaylle

Saturday, April 20, 2013

International Womens' Day at BOCC

Come out and join us at the Bobby Orr Community Centre, Saturday from 10 to 4.   There will be a number of spa services and offerings for $15.00 this year, including Tarot Readings for $15.00 as well :)

The weather will be crappy, so there will be nothing else to do!

Come on down!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Hanged Man

One of my favourite cards in the tarot deck is the Hanged Man.  In most decks, it shows a body, hanging upside down but in the deck I use most usually it's of a body hanging from his hands from a chandelier.

The usual interp of this card is the urgency of changing direction - that perhaps there's an issue that the querant has been banging their head on the wall about, forever - and it's just high time that the way they've been attacking this issue needs to change, big-time.

Everyone needs this advice in their life at one time or another, about some issue or another.  It's the old adage about insanity resulting from doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.   The Hanged Man asks that a completely different approach be taken to effect the start of a solution.

Now about my deck, which shows the body hanging from his hands instead of upside down, it has an additional texture of meaning for me.  I see that by just hanging on (to the issue perhaps) that there isn't anything that can be done.  But if one let's go, now 1/ feet are able to change the position 2/ hands and arms are able to be used, and 3/ geographically a major change can be made.  In other words, just hanging' around doesn't do anything constructive. 

So next time you see the Hanged Man come up, let your mind float free and consider some other avenues of approach.  Chances are, if you get outside the usual boundries that limit your thinking you WILL come up with something creative and new.

Wendy & Gaylle

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tarot Reading for the Masters

Yes folks... it's about Golf.  Now the popular feeling going into this weekend was Tiger.

Here's our take on this.

Someone will win.  Someone will wear a green jacket.



Sunday, April 14, 2013

Psychic Fair - BOCC - Parry Sound

Run away from winter (geesh... will we EVER get spring?)

Come on out with a weekend pass.  Along with Tarot Readings, there will be other psychics, animal readers, lots of free seminars, jewellery and spirituality gems to buy.

Come visit!!!!

Gaylle & Wendy

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Psychic Fair - Parry Sound

We're so excited and hope you're coming out to visit us for a Tarot Reading!

Saturday and Sunday at the BOCC.  Discount cards (one per family/group) can be picked up at Wellingtons for $2.00 off per person.   Get a weekend pass and come BOTH days!

And don't forget Gaylle's seminar mid-day on Saturday on Feng Shui for the Bedroom!

See you soon!

Gaylle & Wendy

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Hermit

This major card is one of my favourites.  It's just good card to show up at any time in your life.

Time to go within - time to reassess what you're doing and ask youself if it's working for you or not.   Is the path you're currently on going to land you at the results you want? 

Basically, take the time to discover your 'within' need and allow yourself the time to plan for the outcome you wish, either spiritually, intellectually or physically.

LOVE this card :)

Gaylle & Wendy